Introduction and FAQ

Introduction : Hi my name is Shannon and I was born with a Congenital Heart Defect so growing up I was never a sporty kid, often tired and often sick due to other problems my condition exacerbates. This often left me too tired to do much except for read, game or watch television and all of these became lifelong areas of enjoyment, but movies are probably my greatest passion and I love escaping into the worlds they create. Hence my little Blog, it is nothing fancy, I do not have any journalistic training it is just something I want to do to share my love of movies.

WARNING: All screenshots remain the property of their respective movie studios, no unauthorized copying or sharing is allowed.

Disclaimer: All reviews are my personal opinion, I am not a professional reviewer, I just love movies. Also, reviews won't be massive or detailed, just nice simple what I liked and what I didn't, plus a small synopsis, in the hopes it will help you find a movie to enjoy.
Links on reviews are my affiliate link and lead to the amazon page for that movie, where I may earn a small portion from each sale.


Why the format change? 
Honestly, I used to love reading movie reviews, but over the years monetization changes have led many reviewers to expanding their reviews just to fit in more adverts, in the end I just found that reading 20 paragraphs just to find out the movie wasn't great put me off. So, I went looking for something simpler but couldn't find much so I decided to do it myself.

What movies will I review?
Any feature film that is animated, whether that be children's movies or adult oriented anime (not hentai). I have currently found a list of the 100 greatest animated movies I will work through, before jumping into new releases and old favorites.

Why animated movies only?
The short answer is because a niche Blog is likely to work better than one that is trying to cover everything.
The long answer: I have worked on and off with kids for over 20 years and have been a dad for half that time, so I have spent a lot of time watching animated features. Watching them with kids also give me a certain insight, I can see what jokes they laugh at even if it leaves me scratching my head and I often get looked at strangely when I laugh at jokes that go over their heads. 
Trying to compete with large reviewers that have the budget to cover every movie and every genre is just too expensive, plus animated movies often get overlooked so I hope to fill that gap, if only a little.
Plus animated movies are often released in Australia at the same time as other parts of the world, unlike huge blockbusters that can take weeks or months.

How does your rating system work?
To help readers make the best possible choice for them I show three different ratings.

The first one is from IMDB, the Internet Movie Database, which list movies and information about them, it is also a place where the general public can sign-up as members and give their personal rating out of 10 for the movies they watch, all these ratings are shown as an average, and this is what I display.
The second is from Rotten Tomatoes, which does a similar thing, but they also have averaged scores from professional critics, this is the score I display as I really enjoy seeing how the general public differs from those paid to watch.

The last ratings score I show is my personal opinion out of Ten, and it goes like this:

1,2 or 3 = If a movie has this score, it has a fundamental flaw that makes it impossible to enjoy, a movie I would avoid watching if you have something else to do.
4,5 or 6 = A middle of the road movie, not bad but also not great, still a more entertaining way to waste a rainy afternoon than doing nothing.
7 or 8 = This would be a great movie that is guaranteed to provide entertainment.
9 or 10 = This is a movie that is worth buying and having in your own collection so you or your family/friends can watch it again and again. 

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