Saturday, February 29, 2020

Superman Red Son (2020)

Hi fellow animation fans, welcome to my review of Superman Red Son.

Synopsis: Based on the 2003 comic book Superman Red Son tells an alternative history which ponders what would happen if Krypton had exploded 3 hours later and due to Earth's rotation Superman's rocket crash landed in the Ukraine instead of Kansas.

The Good: 

* I quite enjoyed the voice acting in this, especially that of Jason Isaacs (Superman), although his Russian accent could have used more work.
* I quite enjoyed the way it made me think about the age-old debate between nature and nurture, was it all the Kents or was Superman naturally disposed to being good?
* I also quite enjoyed the way other characters changed because they no longer had Superman in their life or no longer had to fight against him.

The Bad:

* The animation just was not as great as a few other DC titles, with noticeable motion blur during action scenes and some graininess in the backgrounds. 
* Comic fans are probably going to struggle to enjoy this as it fits the usual DC mold of only 90 minutes, I feel that this means a lot of the source material has been skipped or glossed over. 
* There are noticeable time jumps, multiple times I felt like they cut off the end of scenes to move on to the next portion of the story.

     IMDB 6.2/10                Rotten Tomatoes 89%                         Me 6/10
Superman and Lex the hero.